Sunday, January 27, 2008

In Need of His Wisdom

I have been thinking lately about the verse in James that says, "If any one lack wisdom, let him or her ask of God, who gives to all men or women liberally" (my paraphrase). We must first realize that we need this wisdom before we can even ask for it, let alone receive it. I am so often reminded of my need for wisdom from above (being a parent especially brings this home to me!). The great part about it is that God gives liberally, freely, generously, when we ask. All we have to do is be humble enough to admit that we don't know everything, and then ask for the wisdom that we need.


robert said...

It seems that I need to ask God daily for greater amounts of wisdom! I am so glad that He has what I need.

Great blog, welcome to the world of blogging!

Kimberly said...

And as an only child, soemtimes it's hard to ask!:) Cute pic! Love Ya!