Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm reading the book Rumours by Philip Yancey. He talks about how the natural and supernatural are more closely linked than we often realize. So, I've been thinking along those lines again, especially since Lance's cousin Bradley is in the late stages of terminal cancer. Without a miracle, his time here is short. Perhaps God's choice of healing will be eternal healing. I am so thankful that the Great I Am is exactly what we need in times such as this!

Lord, I knew a time like this would someday come my way--
When in disbelief I'd watch my whole life change.
I thought I'd have the words to tell you how I feel,
But the only thing my heart is telling me to say, is

Lord, stay close to me--As I journey through the darkness of this great unknown!
Lord, stay close to me--Though I've placed my faith in You I feel so all alone.
My heart trembles like a child as I walk each scary mile
And the only prayer my lips can find to speak is "Lord, stay close to me."

I guess that I could ask you for some miracle,
To even take away this trial that I face.
But, Lord, I know that You alone know what I need
So, will You hold me tight as I journey through this place?

Lord, stay close to me--As I journey through the darkness of this great unknown!
Lord, stay close to me--Though I've placed my faith in You I feel so all alone.
My heart trembles like a child as I walk each scary mile
And the only prayer my lips can find to speak is "Lord, stay close to me."

Stay Close to Me sung by Legacy Five
written by Patti Hawkins, Ann Downing, and Laurie Winton

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